36. What are the 613 commandments that are found in the Law of Moses?

36.  What are the 613 commandments that are found in the Law of Moses? 

Below is a list of the 613 commandments. It is based primarily on the list compiled by Rambam in the Mishneh Torah.  His list is probably the most widely accepted list, but it is not the only one.

Rambam (Maimonides; Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon) (1135-1204 A.D.)  was a physician born in Moorish Cordoba, he lived in a variety of places throughout the Moorish lands of Spain, the Middle East and North Africa, often fleeing persecution. He was a leader of the Jewish community in Cairo. He was heavily influenced by Greek thought, particularly that of Aristotle.

Rambam was the author of the Mishneh Torah, considered by some to be one of the greatest codes of Jewish law, compiling every conceivable topic of Jewish law in subject matter order and providing a simple statement of the prevailing view in plain language.






