16. Is there any value for a Gentile believer to have an understanding of certain Jewish things?

16. Is there any value for a Gentile believer to have an understanding of certain Jewish things? 


I believe the answer to this question is a resounding yes.  In fact if a believer of any background doesn’t have an understanding of certain Jewish things, they will have a difficult time getting a true understanding of several teachings in the New Testament.  For example, if you don’t understand that the “Last Supper” was actually a Passover Seder that Jesus was celebrating, you won’t understand the full significance of Communion.  Both the Passover and Communion are times of remembrance.  One remembers a physical deliverance and the other a spiritual deliverance.  Remember, it was at a Passover celebration that Jesus instituted Communion.  If you don’t have an understanding of the sacrificial system and the priesthood as taught in the book of Leviticus, it will be difficult for you to understand the book of Hebrews.  Every Holy Day that God gave Israel pointed to certain aspects of Messiah Jesus.  Not knowing anything about them will leave us wondering why Jesus did and said certain things.  By all means, take the time to understand the background out of which Christianity comes.